int 0x80

gorlist@int0x80:~$ cat news.txt

Bullpaper is my latest program.

What does it do?
Well, it generates titles for bullpapers.

What are bullpapers?
Those of you involved in academia, should be aware of the many papers getting published mostly by college professors.
Most of the times, the paper titles contain exotic, excessively complex words just to make them look like they're important, extremely specialized etc.
The less the reader understands, the better.
That seems to be the rule for the paper titles.

What about the content?
I'll leave that to you.

I don't need to explain where the "bull" part comes from, do I?

So, bullpaper is a Perl script and a wordlist.
You can add your own words to the wordlist.

bullpaper can be found under the projects section.

It is comprised of 3 templates and 3 bull-levels for specialized bull-results. -h to see usage info.

I moved it to projects (was in code).

Also, someone asked me where I found the words.
I collected those from real papers (seriously!).

Note: Only new code will get announced.
Posted on 07 Dec 2007 by gorlist

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